5 Fun and Creative Date Night at Home Ideas

Now don't get us wrong, we love Netflix date nights...who doesn't? But if you are tired of watching movies and binging on tv shows all the time, give these 5 other date night at home options a try instead!
1. Cook together
Don't overthink it, you don't need to even know how to cook. Pick a new recipe off of the internet, and get to work...it really is that simple. You might need to go buy the ingredients beforehand, or you can always plan out your menu with Blue Apron or one of the other similar companies that are out there. Cooking together is fun, and easier than you think. Even if the meal doesn't live up to your restaurant standards, at least you and your significant other tried a fun activity together! Pairing your meal with your favorite beverage helps as well!2. Play board games, card games, or do a puzzle together
When is the last time you played your favorite board/ card game, or did a puzzle? When you were a kid? And what was the result when we did those activities as kids...we had FUN! Bust out the Monopoly, Life, or 200 piece puzzle, and take your mind off of life for a few hours.3. Have a tasting party
No matter what your beverage of choice is, make a tasting party out of it! Want to learn more about wines, vodkas, craft beers, or even juices...then learn! Search the internet for some tasting advice, or justcreate your own menu. You can get really creative by printing out tasting menus, and even pairing the beverages with a variety of snacks from nuts, to cheese and crackers.
4. Paint Night at home
Ever wanted to paint, but don't know how? Don't even know what materials to start with? Don't know where to go? Tough to find a babysitter? Well you are in luck...check out Painting to Gogh! We literally make it as easy as picking a painting that you like and hitting submit. After that we ship you all the materials you need in a kit, and provide you with digital step-by-step instruction on how to create that painting. Painting is fun, unique, and creative...and adding a glass or wine, champagne, or your favorite beer to the mix always helps as well!5. Create a Bucketlist
Are there places you want to travel to? Are there shows, sporting events, or anything else you want to see? I'm sure all of us have something we want to do in our lifetimes. Well guess what, it is more likely to happen if we put it down on paper! Why not spend a date night at home doing just that. This will also give everyone something to look forward to after you've had a tough day or week at work or just in life!We all have such busy lives nowadays, that we sometimes stop and forget to make times for ourselves. Try these ideas out, and let us know how they go! We'd love to hear your comments as well!